Targeted Legal Services for Managing Individual Health Care Compliance Issues

THE COMPLIANCE LAW FIRM: A Division of Lippe & Associates in Dallas, Texas, affords dependable legal services for handling health care compliance issues. With us, you no longer have to deal with multiple billing lawyers usually present in large firms. Our lawyers use their comparable expertise to provide you with direct yet affordable solutions that answer your needs.

Policy Compliance

The legal assistance we provide abides by the proper policies and procedures for appeals and grievances as required by the Federal regulatory compliance with CMS requirements and state agencies. This reduces the insurer’s liability for alleged bad faith or unfair claims handling practices. Our key areas of representation are as follows:

Glasses and Gavel on a Book
• Electronic Health Records (EHR) Requirements and Compliance
• Representation in Revocation of Medicare Billing Privileges
• “Meaningful Use” Audits
• Corrective Action Plans
• Appeals from Administrative Decisions
• Compliance Programs, Procedures, and
  Preventive Measures
• HIPAA/HI TECH Compliance
• Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
  – Practices and Procedures; Audits
• Audits of Compliance Procedures
 • Litigation 
Contact us today in Dallas, Texas, for further inquiries on our legal services.